Essential Oils for Ants While Keeping Dogs Safe

Preventing Ants with Essential Oils + Keeping Dogs Safe

Fighting off an ant infestation is tough enough, but it’s even harder to do so while keeping your furry friends safe.  I feel your pain, pet parent. While there are many over-the-counter products that are effective at fighting ants, there are very few that are safe for dogs. This means that dog lovers have to…

Will Neem Oil Kill Ants

Will Neem Oil Kill or Repel Ants? All You Need to Know

If you’re reading this article, you’ve likely heard of neem oil. Derived from Azadirachta indica, a tree found primarily in Southeast Asia and certain parts of Africa, neem oil is a natural insecticide that has been shown to kill off or repel literally hundreds of bugs. But what about ants? Have you ever wondered if…

Small Dill Plant

Will Neem Oil Kill Herbs? Consider This Before Spraying

Last year, I set aside one of my raised garden beds for herbs, but I decided to intermix radishes, kale, lettuce, and spinach to make the most of the space. Everything was taking off, but out of nowhere, aphids and spider mites showed up and started proliferating. Whenever that happens, I normally pull out the…

Leaf Burn on a Tomato Plant

Neem Oil Plant Burn: Why It Happens + How to Avoid It

Over the past few years, I’ve come to love neem oil. It’s derived from neem trees (Azadirachta indica), which are native to Africa and Southeast Asia, and it contains a natural chemical compound called azadirachtin that wreaks havoc on over 200 destructive bugs. When bugs pierce or munch on plant foliage that’s been coated in…

Spinach with Neem Oil Burns

How to Wash Neem Oil Off Plants: 3 Steps + Things to Know

Have you ever unintentionally doused your plants in neem oil? Maybe you got carried away and accidentally used your garden sprayer way too much? Neem oil is an incredible organic insecticide, given the ways that its primary ingredient (a natural chemical compound known as azadirachtin) disrupts insects’ feeding, hormonal, and reproductive patterns. But it can…