Diatomaceous Earth Supplies on Patio Table

Best Way to Apply Diatomaceous Earth to Plants: 11 Pro Tips

If you’re searching for an organic, non-toxic solution to eliminate bothersome garden pests, diatomaceous earth (DE) makes an excellent choice. But if you’ve never used it before, you might be wondering: “What’s the best way to apply diatomaceous earth to plants?” The best way to apply diatomaceous earth to plants is to dust infested areas…

Aphids on Mustard Plant

Killing Aphids with Diatomaceous Earth: Is DE Effective?

Aphid infestations can wreak havoc on your garden if you don’t spot them in time or act quickly. These tiny insects breed rapidly and cause significant damage by sucking sap from plants, weakening them, and potentially spreading diseases. That’s why diatomaceous earth (DE) can be a good option for gardeners interested in a natural solution….

Bowl of Diatomaceous Earth

Will Diatomaceous Earth Harm or Kill Cucumber Beetles?

As someone who’s lost several plants to cucumber beetles, I know all too well the havoc they can wreak in the garden. These tiny yet relentless pests can devastate plants, so if you’ve been looking for a natural solution to cucumber beetles, diatomaceous earth (DE) could be the answer you’ve been looking for. When applied…

Ladybug on a Pepper Plant

Diatomaceous Earth and Ladybugs: Will DE Kill Them?

I love finding ladybugs in my garden. Also known as ladybirds or lady beetles, ladybugs are voracious beneficial bugs that’ll snack on pesky aphids and scale insects, thus helping your plants withstand infestations. These small, colorful insects play a vital role in natural pest control, making them a valuable asset for your garden. However, if…

Bag of Diatomaceous Earth vs Neem Oil

Diatomaceous Earth vs. Neem Oil: Which Should You Use?

As a longtime gardener, I always look for natural ways to keep my plants healthy and pest-free. Two popular options are diatomaceous earth (DE) and neem oil. Both are natural and effective, but they work in different ways and are better suited for different types of pests. Diatomaceous earth is a fine yet abrasive powder…

Diatomaceous Earth Covering Tomato Plant

Can You Put Too Much Diatomaceous Earth on Plants?

Over the past few years, I’ve often turned to diatomaceous earth (DE) to control certain pests and protect my plants. It’s a natural, organic product that can be effective against a variety of insects, including aphids, flea beetles, mealybugs, and spider mites. However, when I first started using it in my garden, I had heard…

Diatomaceous Earth Added to Garden Soil

Adding Diatomaceous Earth as a Fertilizer: Will DE Help?

Have you ever used diatomaceous earth to rid your plants of a pesky bug infestation, then wondered if DE (as it’s commonly called) might benefit your soil in some way? I began using diatomaceous earth in my garden a few years ago, back when I was fighting off a particularly nasty flea beetle infestation among…

Mixing Diatomaceous Earth with Soil

5 Reasons to Mix Diatomaceous Earth With Soil

If you’re looking for a natural way to improve your soil and promote healthy plant growth, you may want to consider mixing a little diatomaceous earth (DE) with your garden or potting soil. DE is a powdery substance made from the fossilized remains of diatoms, a type of single-celled organism. Diatomaceous earth is well-known for…

Handful of Diaotomaceous Earth

Can Diatomaceous Earth Harm Plants? What Scientists Say

I like to avoid using unnecessary chemicals in my garden, which is why I’m always on the lookout for natural solutions to bug infestations. One product that I’ve started using regularly is diatomaceous earth, or DE for short. If you’ve picked up a bag of DE, you might be wondering: Is it safe for plants?…