Can Seeds Germinate If They’re 10, 20, or Even 50 Years Old?

Can Seeds Germinate If They’re 10, 20, or Even 50 Years Old?

Have you ever found an old package of seeds and wondered if you could get them to grow? Maybe you’ve been given old seeds by a friend or family member, or maybe you’ve stumbled on an old seed stash when you were clearing out a closet or garage. If you’ve ever come across old seeds,…

9 Tips to Ensure Proper Drainage in Raised Garden Beds

9 Tips to Ensure Proper Drainage in Raised Garden Beds

I love gardening, but sometimes the physical work can be quite demanding. Instead of attempting to dig into the thick clay soil that’s everywhere on my property, I’ve incorporated raised garden beds into my backyard garden area.   Although my raised beds provide me with ample space to plant my veggies, drainage is an issue since…

21 Plants That Aphids Attack and Eat + How to Stop Them

21 Plants That Aphids Attack and Eat + How to Stop Them

For such small creatures, aphids can really cause really big problems in your garden.  If you’ve ever had a plant with a few little crawling dots one day, then come back the next to find it completely covered in dots, then you likely know how frustrating and overwhelming aphid infestations can be. But which plants…

When Should I Transplant Tomato Seedlings? Expert Tips

When Should I Transplant Tomato Seedlings? Expert Tips

Like most gardeners, I want to grow the biggest, most productive tomato plants each year, but in order to do so, I’ve learned to pay close attention to the transplanting and repotting process. If you transplant your tomato seedlings too early, you risk damaging their fragile root systems. If you transplant them too late, you’ll…

Covering Newly Planted Seeds: Will It Help Them Germinate?

Covering Newly Planted Seeds: Will It Help Them Germinate?

One of the most challenging things about growing plants from seed is making sure your soil stays warm enough and moist enough to encourage high rates of germination. Heat mats are an easy solution when it comes to keeping soil warm–or waiting until it’s appropriately warm outside to direct sow your seeds–but it’s difficult to…

How Many Tomato Plants Do I Need for 3, 4, or 5 People?

How Many Tomato Plants Do I Need for 3, 4, or 5 People?

Have you ever planned out your garden, then realized you weren’t exactly sure how many plants you needed to feed yourself and your family? When I was a beginning gardener, I remember times when I either underestimated or overestimated how many plants I needed in my garden, particularly tomato plants. I love tomatoes, and I…