Do Tomato Seeds Need Sunlight to Germinate? 5 Planting Tips

Do Tomato Seeds Need Sunlight to Germinate? 5 Planting Tips

I’ve been growing tomatoes from seed for over 10 years, and when I first began doing so, I had to grow them in my basement, which didn’t get any natural light. I remember wondering if my seeds would grow without the help of sunlight. Would they germinate? Tomato seeds can be germinated entirely without sunlight,…

Can You Plant Whole Tomatoes? What to Know Before You Try

Can You Plant Whole Tomatoes? What to Know Before You Try

Have you ever wondered if you could just take a whole tomato and plant it in the ground instead of scooping out the seeds and planting them individually. Would this actually work, or would the tomato simply rot beneath the soil? Planting whole tomatoes will produce new tomato plants, which is how tomatoes have naturally…

Germinating Tomato Seeds in Water: A Step-by-Step Guide

Germinating Tomato Seeds in Water: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you’ve ever grown tomatoes from seed, you’ve likely experienced some of the frustrations I’ve experienced over the years. You plant your seeds, you make sure the planting soil stays moist, and you wait for tomato seedlings to pop out of the ground. Then a week or so goes by and…it’s not what you expected….

Growing Tomatoes from Hybrid Tomato Seeds: Can You Do It?

Growing Tomatoes from Hybrid Tomato Seeds: Can You Do It?

I love growing tomatoes, especially tomato varieties that you can’t find in stores. Sometimes I’ll purchase heirloom seeds. Other times I’ll buy hybrid seeds. But many years ago, when I was still a novice gardener, I wondered what would happen if I harvested seeds from a hybrid tomato plant, then planted them the following season….

Using Neem Oil on Seedlings: 7 Things to Keep in Mind

Using Neem Oil on Seedlings: 7 Things to Keep in Mind

If you’ve ever grown plants from seed, you’ve likely dealt with a few headaches when doing so: aphids that arrive and start attacking your plants, gnats that won’t seem to go away, fungi and mold that appear atop your soil, and viruses that kill off new seedlings. It can be a bit frustrating when things…